Improving & refining our Docs translations

We are refining our docs content with help from the community!

A while ago, we started to make the Selenium documentation available in more languages. This, in an effort to offer a more inclusive environment for Selenium users who do not have English as their mother tongue.

This effort grew organically, and we got many pull requests adding content for different languages. Over time, some translations got to a very good state, and others didn’t get much attention. This brought the situation where 9 different languages are available in the documentation, but only a few add value to the readers.

To understand which languages are getting visits, we started using Plausible. After a few weeks, we combined the information collected by the analytics tool with the translated percentage per language, and we got the following:

Here’s the number of visitors on the landing page for a given translation in the past 2 weeks, and the percent of documentation pages translated:

Language Visitors Translated
ja 1,700 86%
zh-cn 1,500 86%
es 409 42%
fr 203 31%
pt-br 189 87%
de 88 65%
ko 79 68%
nl 22 6%

This shows that the most used languages (aside from English) are Japanese and Chinese, and that the language that has translated most of the content is Portuguese.

Based on this data, we decided to create a new role in the Selenium project: translators. This role will help the project keep in shape the different translations available. Together with that, we are also putting on hold the other available translations until we find volunteers for each language.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out through any of all the available options shown at our support page.

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Happy testing!