TLC Meeting - April 27, 2022

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack.


  • Ticket Status
    • 107 open Issues
    • 24 outstanding PRs
  • Patch releases are all tagged
  • Chrome Version Support Status (Chrome 101 released 4/26);
    • Ruby — through v100
    • Python — through v99
    • JS — through v98
    • Java — through v101
    • .NET — through v96
  • Leadership Updates


Noted that quite a few outstanding Python PRs and need to make sure they get evaluated in a timely manner.

Patch releases are all tagged

It is difficult to know which commits have been released and which haven’t. For that, all patched releases have now a tag in the format selenium-4.x.y-lang.

Chrome Version Support Status (Chrome 101 released 4/26);

Patch releases all languages will be done and this should be up to date, supporting v101 before the next TLC meeting.

Tagging Patches

It is difficult to know which commits have been released and which haven’t. Agreed to start doing patch releases in the format selenium-4.x.y-lang

Leadership Updates

Regarding our Governance docs, about leadership changes and it refers to a “moderator” and “agenda item,” as part of the process. The following items were moderated by titusfortner and diemol.


  • Add harsha509 and remove barancev from TLC (In the past 14 months Sri has 60 commits in the project and another 99 in the docs)

Relevant items from the Governance documente regarding the above item:

  • Add person to TLC:
    • A Committer is invited to become a TLC member by existing TLC members. A nomination will result in discussion and then a decision by the TLC.
  • Remove person from TLC:
    • A TLC member may be removed from the TLC by voluntary resignation, or by a standard TLC or PLC motion.


  • Add wcmcgee to the PLC
  • Bill has recently left Sauce Labs and is interested in joining the Selenium team officially. Among other things, he has some ideas around improving Selenium marketing strategy, and he’s in a position where he can spend a lot of time working on things for us.

Relevant items from the Governance documente regarding the above item:

  • Add person to PLC:
    • The existing PLC consults with the TLC and the active Committers, who will seek a decision based on a Consensus Seeking Process to add or not those people.

Selenium 4.2 & Selenium 4.3

On the agenda for future consideration, was not discussed in meeting due to lack of time.

Last modified August 2, 2022: Updating Bill's GitHub user (f63716e792)