TLC Meeting - August 3, 2022

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack.


  • Ticket Status
  • CDP support
  • Membership Updates
  • PLC status update
  • Selenium Manager
  • Selenium 4.4
  • Selenium 4.5
  • Selenium Backlog
  • Selenium 5.0 Ideas


TLC members present included:

Ticket Status

  • 100 open Issues (6 more than last time)
  • 20 outstanding PRs (1 more than last time)

CDP support

Support for v104 is already in place. v105 is scheduled for August 30.

Membership Updates

PLC status update

  • PLC Meeting on 8/2, but no SFC representatives. Looking to reschedule.
  • SeConf 2023 Website → Save the Date page now live
    • PLC is now working on a schedule to have things ready for the event
  • F2F → Test Automation Summit Berlin Aug 24-26 for TLC/PLC
  • Membership → Need new PLC members; considering new “Project Lead”
  • Investigating making PLC a paid position
  • There has been in the past something called the Selenium Fellowship which could be used for this
  • Alexei has been voted out from the PLC
    • However, Alexei is welcome to come back to the team!

Selenium Manager

  • Call for feedback! Proposal document
  • Please give feedback so we can start development by the next TLC meeting (August 17)

Selenium 4.4

We were not able to implement all we wanted so moving many things to 4.5

  • Error when setting w3c: false in Chrome — #10448 (All bindings; warn in Java)
  • Virtual Authenticator — #10541 (TamsilAmani)

Selenium 4.5

  • Firefox Extensions tests/examples for all languages #8357 (titusfortner)
  • Low Concurrency Grid bug — #10332 (Grid-only) (OPEN)
  • Remove ELEMENT — #6393 (Java-only) (OPEN)
  • Add tests for JWP to assist in transition to w3c-only — #10374 (Java-only) (OPEN)
  • v105 support

Selenium Backlog

List of major project ideas that could be pursued by Selenium Devs.

  • Codify BiDi API
  • Add TouchActions API to Selenium
  • Comprehensive Documentation w/Executable Examples
  • Fix Bazel support in .NET
  • Better API for IE Mode in Edge
  • Complete TypeHints in Python
  • Add .rbs files in Ruby
  • Selenium + Appium consolidation
  • Comprehensive command logging across languages
  • Rewrite atoms in TypeScript

Selenium 5

Discussed that one option for Selenium 5 is implementing the non-backward compatible changes we’ve discussed:

  • Java 11 requirement
  • Python Async rewrite
  • .Net Async rewrite

Discussed another option for Selenium 5 being “batteries included” release to include:

  • Auto Browser downloads
  • Auto Driver downloads
  • Finish adding Typing hints in Python
  • Convert JS to use Type Script
  • Possibly add rbs files for Ruby typing
  • Other things that cause friction for new users(?)
Last modified August 10, 2022: Adding minutes for August 3, 2022 (718cd533d9)