TLC Meeting - December 8, 2022

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack. To add items to the agenda for the next meeting, please see our public Rolling Agenda

The next meeting will be Thursday, December 22 at 0700 Pacific / 1000 Eastern / 1500 UK / 1930 India.


TLC members present included:


  • Ticket Status
  • CDP support
  • Membership Updates
  • Proposals
  • CI Health
  • Selenium 4.7
  • Selenium 4.8
  • Projects Underway
  • Backlog

Ticket Status

  • 113 open Issues; last meeting: 109
  • 26 outstanding PRs; last meeting: 26

Issues keep ticking up, but several dozen of these were opened by project members for tracking work in progress.

CDP support

  • v108 was released on November 29
  • v109 scheduled for release on January 10

Membership Updates

  • @Luis Correia is now an official committer for the docs


List of Needs-Decision Issues

It was agreed that ending the processes for everything on program exit would be ideal, but that because of backwards compatibility issues we would need bandwidth to do the work and field questions from irate users, which is not currently a priority.

It was agreed that there was no good reason not to do this, but also as a minor optimization it might not be worth doing. titusfortner said he would implement it in bindings if he got frustrated enough with current implementation.

It was agreed that there should be a flag to indicate JSON output that can be consumed by the bindings where the log-looking information can be seen by the user directly.

CI Health

  • Java & JS have a couple flaky tests
  • Ruby has issue with Firefox on Windows
  • p0deje is working on improving Ruby bazel usage, and remote caching options to improve CI

Selenium 4.7

Released! Mostly on time!

Selenium 4.8

Milestone 4.8

Members encouraged to add the label to everything that needs to be included in the next release. We are not expecting to release again until January.

Most of the items currently on the list fall into 3 categories:

  • Selenium Manager items
  • BiDi items
  • Half-completed titusfortner items

BiDi things - noted that our current documentation is no longer quite correct. Our idea of idealized devtools things being able to keep the same implementation for BiDi is not working out as originally envisioned. Discussed creating the BiDi API and then implementing things with Chrome DevTools as a fall-back when BiDi hasn’t implemented the feature, but we’re a ways off from being able to do that. We don’t have a Selenium specific roadmap, just going off of passing wpt tests and the BiDi spec for what to work on. Currently, actively implemeting things in Ruby, JS and Java. Things are a little more uncertain for what needs to be done in Python & .NET. pujagani and TamsilAmani will discuss a potential roadmap specific for Selenium work.

Selenium Manager things — boni_gg has been working off the milestones he created. titusfortner came up with a more finely detailed description of a potential roadmap including blockers as a conversation starter.

Projects in Progress


These items were referenced, but not discussed in detail:

  • Add More support to CI (#11305)
  • Add TouchActions API to Selenium (#10808)
  • Add/fix Bazel support in .NET (#10465)
  • JS using TypeScript (#10942)
  • Add .rbs files in Ruby (#10943)
  • Comprehensive command logging across languages (#10944)
  • Remove JWP support from Java
  • Selenium + Appium consolidation
  • Rewrite atoms in TypeScript
  • Python Async Rewrite (Current plan is “doubling” the API)
  • .NET Async Rewrite (Current plan is to deprecate Sync code so as not to double the API)
Last modified December 21, 2022: wrong url in minutes (c26d27d666)