TLC Meeting - February 2, 2023

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack. To add items to the agenda for the next meeting, please see our public Rolling Agenda

The next meeting will be Thursday, February 16 at 0700 Pacific / 1000 Eastern / 1500 UK / 1930 India.


TLC members present included:


  • Ticket Status
  • CDP support
  • Membership Updates
  • Proposals/Decisions
  • CI Health
  • Selenium 4.8
  • Selenium 4.9
  • Selenium 5 - Conversation Starter
  • Projects Underway
  • Backlog

Ticket Status

  • 130 open Issues; last meeting: 123
  • 32 outstanding PRs; last meeting: 33

CDP support

  • v109 released on 4.8.0
  • v110 release expected on February 1, and will be released on 4.8.1

Membership Updates


List of Needs-Decision Issues

CI Health

  • Several tests across bindings failing, need to triage to get a better understanding of what is failing.

Selenium 4.8.1

  • Add CDP v110, update Selenium Manager, and release.

Selenium 4.9

Milestone 4.9

Goal: feature complete by Feb 1; then examples, docs & blog before Feb 7

  • Driver Finders
  • Update Selenium Manager output
  • Auto download correct driver for provided browser version or location

Selenium 5 - Conversation Starter

  • Java 11 (if timing works out)
  • Integrate BiDi & CDP interface
  • Fully functional Selenium Manager with auto driver & browser downloads
  • Split out code to better highlight ecosystem

Projects in Progress


  • Add More support to CI (#11305)
  • Add TouchActions API to Selenium (#10808)
  • Add/fix Bazel support in .NET (#10465)
  • JS using TypeScript [(#10942)]
  • Add .rbs files in Ruby (#10943)
  • Comprehensive command logging across languages (#10944)
  • Remove JWP support from Java
  • Selenium + Appium consolidation
  • Rewrite atoms in TypeScript
  • Python Async Rewrite? (Current plan is “doubling” the API)
  • .NET Async Rewrite (Current plan is to deprecate Sync code)
Last modified February 15, 2023: Adding meeting minutes for 02.02.2023 (b8a38083f1)