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Troubleshooting Assistance

How to get manage WebDriver problems.

It is not always obvious the root cause of errors in Selenium.

  1. The most common Selenium-related error is a result of poor synchronization. Read about Waiting Strategies. If you aren’t sure if it is a synchronization strategy you can try temporarily hard coding a large sleep where you see the issue, and you’ll know if adding an explicit wait can help.

  2. Note that many errors that get reported to the project are actually caused by issues in the underlying drivers that Selenium sends the commands to. You can rule out a driver problem by executing the command in multiple browsers.

  3. If you have questions about how to do things, check out the Support options for ways get assistance.

  4. If you think you’ve found a problem with Selenium code, go ahead and file a Bug Report on GitHub.

1 - 理解常见的异常


无效选择器的异常 (Invalid Selector Exception)







没有这样元素的异常 (No Such Element Exception)



  • 您在错误的位置寻找元素 (也许以前的操作不成功)
  • 您在错误的时间寻找元素 (该元素尚未显示在 DOM 中)
  • 自您编写代码以来定位器已变更


  • 确保您位于期望的页面上,并且代码中的前置操作已正确完成
  • 确保您使用的是正确的 等待策略
  • 使用浏览器的devtools控制台更新定位器或使用浏览器扩展程序,例如:

过时元素引用的异常 (Stale Element Reference Exception)

当成功定位到元素时, WebDriver会为其设置一个引用ID作为标记, 如果由于上下文环境发生变化, 导致之前元素的位置发生了变化或者无法找到了, WebDriver并不会自动重新定位, 任何使用之前元素所做的操作将报错该异常。



  • 您已刷新页面,或者页面的 DOM 已动态更改。
  • 您已导航到其他页面。
  • 您已切换到另一个窗口,或者进入/移出某个 frame / iframe



当页面刷新或页面上的项目各处移动时, 页面上仍然有一个具有所需定位器的元素, 它只是不再被正在使用的元素对象访问, 并且必须重新定位该元素才能再次使用。


  • 每次使用时都要重新定位元素。 尽管有可能元素在定位和使用元素之间的微秒内, 发生变化的可能性很小。 缺点是这不是最有效的方法, 尤其是在 Remote Grid上运行时。

  • 用另一个存储定位器的对象包装 Web 元素,并缓存定位的 Selenium 元素。 对该包装对象执行操作时,您可以尝试使用之前找到的缓存对象, 如果它是发生了变化,则可以捕获异常, 使用存储的定位器重新定位元素,并重试该方法。 这样效率更高,但如果您使用的定位器在页面更改后引用了不同的元素(而不是您想要的元素),则可能会导致问题。


元素对象是针对特定的上下文存储的, 因此如果您切换到不同的上下文, 比如不同的 Window 或不同的 frameiframe 元素引用仍然有效, 但暂时无法访问。在这种情况下, 重新定位元素无济于事,因为它在当前上下文中不存在。



这种情况发生在您不仅更改了上下文, 而且导航到另一个页面并破坏了元素所在的上下文。 您无法仅从当前上下文重新定位它, 也无法切换回元素有效的活动上下文。 如果这是您的错误原因, 您必须回到正确的位置并重新定位元素。

2 - Logging Selenium commands

Getting information about Selenium execution.

Each language adopts a distinctly different approach to logging information about the activity of the program.


Ruby uses a custom implementation of the default Logger class with some interesting additional features.

Logger output

By default, logs are sent to the console in stdout. if you want to store the logs in a file, add this to your code:

Selenium::WebDriver.logger.output = '/path/to/selenium.log'

Logger level

The basic levels for the Ruby logger are: :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal

Selenium uses :info and :debug similar to “verbose” and “very verbose”, so the default is :warn.

To change the level of the logger:

Selenium::WebDriver.logger.level = :fatal


Warnings include everything we want users to be aware of by default. This is mostly used for deprecations. For various reasons, Selenium project does not follow standard Semantic Versioning practices. Our policy is to mark things as deprecated for 3 releases and then remove them. As such, Ruby logs deprecations as warnings, specifying what is changing, what needs to be used instead. It may include additional messages, and always includes an ID.

For example:

2022-12-24 16:07:09 WARN Selenium [DEPRECATION] [:jwp_caps] `Capabilities#version=` is deprecated. Use `Capabilities#browser_version=` instead.

Because these items can get annoying, we’ve provided an easy way to turn them off.

To turn off a specific warning, set the ID to ignore:


It accepts an Array to turn off multiple IDs:

Selenium::WebDriver.logger.ignore(%i[jwp_caps pause pauses])

To turn off all deprecation notices:



This is where the most useful information gets logged. Selenium logs the endpoints and payloads sent to and received from the driver or server. This is a great way to see what Selenium is actually doing under the hood, and can be used to determine if it is Selenium code or driver code that is causing a problem. (Unfortunately, we can’t blame the driver if Selenium is sending incorrect syntax).


This is less useful information where we log things about the servers and the sockets, and header information, etc. Debug mode is set if either $DEBUG is true or ENV['DEBUG'] has a value.